How To Stop A Porn Addiction: 11 Expert Tips

The advice I would give to someone who is considering marrying someone who struggles with pornography is to ask yourself, have you asked God what He would have you do? If you haven’t yet, sincerely plead with Him for an answer. And pay careful attention to the promptings you receive, with a determination to follow the answer He gives you, whatever that is. Sexually discontented women masturbate about as frequently as sexually contented men. Separations and divorce are about grief and real-life transitions; most people move through emotional stages. Sexual activity outside a marriage, e.g. sexting, hiring a prostitute or even porn use itself, constitutes cheating, not just extramarital affairs.

The only reason porn ruins marriage or relationships is when a person loses control of porn use. Sex addicts have trouble making rational decisions while having sex. You might find that your boyfriend has cheated on you without using protection, or has gone to meet up with someone he’s never met just to have sex. These behaviors are clear indicators that he is a sex addict, and he’ll likely need professional help to curb his desires.

Or, if he’s clean, who WOULD he talk to, just in case. If you feel something isn’t right, or that there is something lacking in intimate conversations like just agreement statements and not anything from his own thoughts– beware. Does he have good friends that are helping him with this?

studies suggest that explicit material can do more harm than people may think.

As she stated in the article, 98.5% of men have had to deal with this. My dad watched porn all the time and went to strip clubs. I’ve had my ups and downs, but to say you should end the relationship is a ridiculous notion. When we first were together, we made love all the time, but her parents found out and we had to change our relationship to honor God’s word. I love her with all my heart, which only makes it harder for me. I didn’t want to tempt her into sin, so I’ve tried easing my urges.

What Porn Can Do to Intimacy

Porn addicts who become increasingly more avoidant of intimacy and sex with partner may begin to live their relationship life in fantasy more than reality. Porn addicts in relationships are avoidant of intimacy with their partner and have already been leading a compartmentalized life built on deception. One of the biggest mistakes that you can make in regards to your partner’s porn addiction is denying it. By not talking about it or treating it like it is a typical thing to do, you are only letting the problem grow worse.

Take responsibility for your own issues.

I started searching up online addiction help and found this site and I knew this might have been my chance to quit. Plan an activity to do instead of watching porn. Do you usually watch porn when you’re bored or have nothing else to do? You might exercise, play video games, or pick up a new hobby to distract yourself whenever you feel tempted.

Pick an activity that you actually enjoy, not one that you dread. The more you can replace porn with a healthy habit, the better. Realizing and wanting to change is your first step. Next, remove any physical or digital contacts you have with porn.

I wonder sometimes if I can handle the pain…It’s so hard to try and make a decision about this, especially when I love my boyfriend so much. I don’t understand him, but God has helped me know and see the value in him. I know that just because this is his challenge, it is not his character. He can still be a really good person, and struggle with porn.

Make sure that you have the support of close loved ones of yours for this relationship. Find at least 1 friend that can help you specifically with this issue in your relationship–not for gossip but for support. Finally, take it slow and ask God for very clear signs that this relationship is okay and that nothing is hidden in darkness. That’s pretty impressive, in light of the harsh realities in today’s dating world. Let’s look at some common realities if your boyfriend watches porn, as well as some excellent questions and principles for any porn-impacted relationship.

A generation ago, these men might not have felt comfortable sneaking down to the corner mart to buy the latest skin magazine. They wouldn’t dream of having a Playboy subscription, lest their daughters discover it. They don’t view pubescent girls or sexual violence.

I don’t want to break up with him but sometimes his issue with porn makes me second guess myself. It’s definitely taken a toll on my mental and emotional health, but i’m working through this as well. I feel as though I have nobody to talk to about his problem so I pray mostly all day long. He seems to do well for a while, and then has a relapse which makes it feel like were back at square one. I’m trying to be strong for him now and support him.

He has to figure this out for himself and get healthy! And keeping it a big secret is the worst possible way to deal with this. He should talk to his friends and his parents about it and get support from them.

As a result, they may pressure themselves to engage in certain activities or behaviors. This pattern can be traumatic and downright dangerous for young people. Most people first experiment with porn the same way they might experience with drugs. Over time, however, they might start relying on the porn to satisfy their sexual needs. Just like with mood-altering substances, they need to watch more porn to meet their urges.